
ROCKdays in the PillerseeTal: The climbing festival for all

Everything revolves around the rock at the ROCKdays in the PillerseeTal.

Whether alpine climbing, via ferrata or children’s climbing – the three-day event, from June 10-12, offers workshops for all skill levels.

As soon as the first rays of sun warm the bare rocks of the Steinberge in the PillerseeTal, climbing enthusiasts take the region firmly in their hands. Fans of vertical climbing will then rock the PillerseeTal again at ROCKdays – the climbing festival for the whole family from 10 to 12 June 2022. This year it’s “Allez, allez!” again at the ROCKwarrior.

Whether alpine climbing, via ferrata or kids climbing – at the ROCKdays in the PillerseeTal everything revolves around the rock. The event offers workshops for young and old, beginners and experienced climbers.

“Trying something new is not only expressly allowed at the ROCKdays, but explicitly desired,” said Katrin Pühringer and Daniel Hofer, the project managers from the PillerseeTal tourism board.

Two days of workshops, an action-packed competition and a cool party with a live band on the lake stage show that ROCKdays has thought of all friends of the mountains when it comes to the programme. The little ones are integrated into the fun just as much as the experts or those who just want to get a taste of climbing.

After a yoga session on the Pillersee in St. Ulrich am Pillersee, the workshops for beginners and via ferrata climbers as well as the two-day alpine climbing course start on Saturday morning. Salewa will provide rental equipment free of charge. Adventurers can also go canyoning in the “Teufelsklamm“ with the Fun Connection. On the Pillersee, the SUP’N’FUN team takes you for a spin on the Stand Up Paddle Board, while the kids are well looked after at the children’s climbing course.

The motto “Action and fun for everyone” continues on ROCKsaturday afternoon at the ROCKwarrior competitionfor everyone. The aim is to be the fastest at various stations. An easier version will be built for the children. Of course, you are allowed to test the stations before it’s time to prove your muscle power in the qualification and to take part in the final. The ROCKwarriors will be celebrated at ROCKnight, where a live band will set off musical fireworks on the lake stage.

ROCKsunday is once again the meeting point in Waidring at the Steinplatte cable car. Here, too, you can choose from a range of workshops: Via ferrata tour, alpine climbing course, climbing for beginners, children’s climbing or canyoning. The possibilities on the 7 km long and up to 200 m high Steinplatte with its 100 multi-pitch routes and 70 sport climbing routes from 4th to 8th degree of difficulty are almost endless.

The Kitzbühel mountain guides and the Fun Connection stand behind the festival as professional experts.

Programme for the ROCKdays

ROCKwarm-up on Friday, 10 June 2022

from 19:00 at Gasthaus Adolari in St. Ulrich am Pillersee

Get to know each other with chilling live music

19:30 First meeting 2-day alpine climbing course

Meeting with the guides

ROCKsaturday on Saturday, 11 June 2022

from 09:00 a.m. meeting point for the workshops directly at the lake stage at Pillersee in St. Ulrich am Pillersee

08:00-09:30: Yoga by the lake

10:00-12:30: Via ferrata workshop

10:00-12:30: Climbing for beginners

10:00-12:30: Climbing for children

10:00-16:00: 2-day alpine climbing course

10:00-12:30: Canyoning

10:15-11:15: SUP on Lake Pillersee

13:00-14:00: SUP on Lake Pillersee

from 13:00 ROCKwarrior directly at the lake stage at Pillersee in St. Ulrich am Pillersee

from 13:00 KIDS ROCKwarrior: Qualification followed by the finals

from 17:00 ROCKwarrior: Qualification

from 19:30 ROCKwarrior: Final

ROCKsunday on Sunday, 12 June 2022

from 09:00 at the Steinplatte cable car in Waidring

09:00-12:30: via ferrata tour morning

13:00-15:00: via ferrata tour afternoon

10:00-12:30: Children’s climbing and climbing for beginners

10:00-16:00: multi-pitch tour

10:00-16:00: 2-day alpine climbing course

10:00-12:30: Canyoning

The workshops are subject to a fee. Exception: beginners’ workshop, climbing for beginners and children’s climbing. Programme subject to change.

IMPORTANT: Registration for the workshops and the ROCKwarrior until Thursday, 9 June 2022 by 5pm at the latest.

All information and the registration form can be found at

Header image: ROCKdays is fun for all in the PillerseeTal. picture credit: Andi Frank

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