Quality week culminates with Mountain Clean Up Day

During the fourth quality week, the holiday region of Saas-Fee/Saastal once again focused on thetopic of sustainability and got fit for the mountain summer.
The holiday region Saas-Fee/Saastal prepared itself again for the summer season with the quality week.
Volunteers and clubs were also involved this year to get the holiday region fit for the mountain summer. All four communities in the Saas Valley pitched in together for the campaign.
Meadows have been freed from the leftovers of winter, themed hiking trails have been improved, bus stops have been given a new shine and central points of the guest reception have been decorated for summer.
The highlight of the week was the second edition of the Mountain Clean Up Day, which was organized and carried out together with the sustainability partner NIKIN .
With the active participation of the Saaser schools with motivated students, accompanied by the teachers, the NIKIN community, who had registered for the day, and the local population, who made an important contribution, the valley was cleared of rubbish.
In addition to the good deed, the more than 200 participants were sensitized to the topic of littering and its negative effects in order to work towards a clean and sustainable environment.